He led me out the door, down the stairs, past the blaring music, and through the backdoor. It was the first time I had been out there. In fact, I remember during the first few days I was here that it must be a mess in the backyard because nobody went out there. I imagined long overgrown weeds and the fence half down. How wrong was I? We stepped out onto a beautifully polished deck with a matching swing attached. This was nothing like the front of the house and I was immediately taken back. There were small lights strewn about, illuminating a Zen garden. Really, a Zen garden! There were meditation rocks and waterfall that flowed into a small pond.
I breathed, “Amazing.”
“Do you like it?” He asked.
“Do I like it? Wow.” I responded.
I saw him, from the corner of my eye, watching me intently.
“Who would have ever thought this was here? And, why doesn’t the family spend more time back here? This is gorgeous.” There were steps off the side of the deck, leading to the garden. “May I?” I asked.